Super Villain

Your Daily Haiku

“Open door slowly!”
commanded the engraved sign,
but I’m a rebel.

😀 Only a rebel
Would disobey such a sign.
Ah, criminal’s minds…

Law abiding fools!
Rules were made to be broken!
Bwah ha ha ha ha!!!


My gnarled, crooked hands,
wring incessantly as I
contemplate evil.

And then, as the sun
Dips behind the smoky clouds
The horrors commence

They will rue the day!
Lo, I shall unleash all sorts
Of unpleasantness.

Everything they touch
Will be slightly sticky and
Generally moist.

Toast will be soggy!
Potato chips will be stale!
Eggs will be runny!!!!

Humidity rules!
Crispness is my nemesis,
For I am… damp man!

Um, excuse me, sir,
But after that I’m not sure
My dad’s on the phone.

Yeah. The moisture rant
Is now completed and I
Have to get to work.

Ok, so long then
And when we may meet again
I’ll say, “That was weird.”

