
lingering aimless-
attempting to cross in vain
the border of death

almost free-
weightless and yet
still tied to the earth


a long delayed train-
remnants of morning rain
steaming in the sun

the sun long set-
a silent queue
of glowing screens


ivory wavelets-
remnants of the evening’s wind
scalloped in the snow

winter’s fury-
a tempest borne
on driven snow


partly melted snow-
embers from the campfire rise
toward the gibbous moon

a distant glow-
wood smoke and laughter
carried on the wind


draped in tulle and lace
far below the frozen sea-

nestled in
the ocean deep-
lost to time


dark ominous skies-
the grey wolf moon veiled behind
a thin scrim of clouds

winter jetty-
snow falls on
the rising tide


opalescent clouds-
shadows on the moonlit snow
cast by trees long dead

dying embers-
in the dark I become
the falling snow


weary of donning
this mask, this gown, these gloves, I
once more go to work

hospital corridors-
the white noise
of dying


cocooned in afghans-
bright remnants of creation
streak across the sky

deep desert night-
the great arc of stars
lights the horizon


brought forth from the ice-
my tarnished battle armor
deeply scarred from use

far from the cherry blossoms-
the clarion call
of battle