
autumn afternoon-
the sound of a cricket lost
amid the tall grass

rotting wood-
silent shadows
of the forest


a hillside cottage-
the morning sun clears the clouds
asleep on the roof

first starlight-
fog creeps in
from the underbrush


an open window-
she disrobes in the shadows
to bathe in moonlight

the hunter’s moon-
a dryad hidden
in her tree


staccato drumming-
the evening rain disappears
into the night’s fog

scorched earth-
rain on the tin roof
far too late


cinnamon and sage
burgundy and chardonnay-
teasing the palate

daubed into
a hillside canvas-
autumn’s colors


emerging starlight-
walking past the coal stained homes
the old lamplighter

freshly cut grass-
rusted ice tongs
in the tool shed


river clay and dust
takes on a life of its own
much to my chagrin

pounding rain-
the stream a torrent
of mud and debris


waves crawl up the beach-
long acres of dune grasses
ripple in the breeze

prints in wet sand-
nesting plovers disturbed
by barking dogs


above the tree tops
set in the clear morning sky
a moon cast of ice

autumn morning-
windows glazed
with hoarfrost


rolling through the miles
cityscapes and farmer’s fields
pass by my window

morning commute-
the train’s shadow
among the trees