
an open window-
she disrobes in the shadows
to bathe in moonlight

the hunter’s moon-
a dryad hidden
in her tree


rolling through the miles
cityscapes and farmer’s fields
pass by my window

morning commute-
the train’s shadow
among the trees


months of sundays gone-
I still just can’t get used to
sleeping without you

autumn winds-
the restless swirl
of fallen leaves


pale silver moonlight
captured in the broken glass
strewn across the street

autum eve-
crickets silenced
by shattering glass


a stone foundation
the remnants of a sawmill
lost to the forest

after the fire-
the chimney casts
a long shadow


a rotting boardwalk
crosses an estuary
flowing to the sea

low tide-
razor clams
burrow in the mud


alone on the street
with scarcely a backwards glance
from the passers by

three threadbare coats-
his breath still clouds
the autumn night


days slowly passing-
the pain of every heartbeat
keeping me alive

raucous crows-
the carcass bears
silent witness


midsummer morning-
a pair of cardinals perch
in the zebra grass

fields of mist-
a robin’s nest
full of shadows


rains of twilight passed-
crickets outside my window
singing me to sleep

tv static-
the low hum
of a ceiling fan