
hard edged and soulless-
the treacherous dawn comes to
spirit you away

softly closing doors-
again I awake
to an empty bed


rails shrouded in fog-
a ghost train departs beneath
the approaching dawn

sunrise shadows-
nascent snow cradled in
dry autumn leaves


a cold night’s work done-
the creeping light of daybreak
seeps into my tomb

guttering torchlight-
weary of the death
that slakes my thirst


seeking inner peace-
silently blessing all those
who would do me ill

approaching dawn-
tea and birdsong
refills my soul


lavender shadows-
flowers from a tuscan yard
in a patch of sun

cardinal songs-
a sun flower
turns its head


the dawning solstice-
children of the earth and sky
taste the rising sun

pheasant’s eyes-
ghosts of stone men
herald the sun


my rhododendrons-
robins erupt into song
just before the dawn

the sun rises-
heedless of the
whiskey and beer


the low eastern sun
resplendent in green and gold
dances with the moon

wind chimes-
Sol and Luna
pas de deux


warm morning birdsong-
my love asleep next to me
aglow in the sun

robin song-
curtains sway in
the morning breeze


an ocean of sleep-
the receding tide leaves a
tangled mat of dreams

dandelion seeds-
bare whispers
of my mind